チームの母体は、南フランスのマルセイユ近郊の漁村「マルティーグ」に拠点の在るフランス流の地域密着型スポーツ組織「マルティーグ スポーツ シクリズム」で、来年でチームの創立90周年を迎える伝統に支えられている組織です。
The team's parent organization is “Martigues Sports Cyclisme,” a French-style community-based sports organization based in Martigues, a fishing village near Marseille in the south of France. The team will celebrate its 90th anniversary next year.
As well as the management of local competitions and support for the DN category, the organization has 110 members, including children as young as 6 years old and non-licensed members, who are the backbone of the organization's activities.
Although the team is based in France, it has seven Japanese riders and young members from Bulgaria, Australia, Poland, Finland, Ireland, and other countries.
Particular emphasis is placed on the development of young riders of U23, and we compete mainly in “the Elite National” which is weekly held in France.
We promote the creation of an environment that supports "growth and step-up" through activities in two classes of overseas UCI races, including the U23 race.